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Teacher certification: 200 HR Prodigy CYTT 2023

Hometown: Shaker Heights, OH 

How many years have you practiced yoga: about 4 years 

Favorite yoga pose: Balancing half moon or fish pose.

Words to live by: I have never met anyone who is not important. 

Why did you start practicing yoga: As a way to connect and appreciate my mind and body.

Mantra or daily affirmation: Be curious, not judgmental. 

Favorite Book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower 

What informs your practice: Gratitude

Your advice for beginner yogis: You are capable and you are in control of your practice, it does not have to look like anyone else's but yours and that is the beauty of yoga. 

3 Words to Describe You: Creative, empathetic, introspective

The pose that challenges you the most: Probably standing big toe pose A and B

The best advice you've ever received: You cannot undo growth. 

What's your teaching style: A combination of peace with power.

What do you do for fun: Create art, travel, YOGA, watch movies (I love cinema) 

What are you most grateful for: The connection I have with my family, they are my biggest cheerleaders. Oh and Mitchell's ice cream. 

What brings you peace: Practicing yoga, drawing, listening to music, and snuggling with my dogs.

Where is your happy place: Colorado! 

Who/what inspires you the most: David Bowie/music


Instagram handle: @alairebang

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