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Teacher certification: E RYT-500, YACEP

Hometown: Chagrin Falls

How many years have you practiced yoga: 10 years

Favorite yoga pose: inversions-handstands and headstands

Words to live by: There are only 2 days you can nothing about.  One is called yesterday and the other is tomorrow. So today is the right day to love, believe, do and live.  Dalai Lama

Why did you start practicing yoga:  I was a collegiate athlete that became a varsity volleyball coach and PE teacher.  I loved learning hew workouts (for myself and students) so I tried yoga at Cleveland Yoga.  Tami Schneider opened my eyes to how yoga can be-an athletic, challenging, sweaty, mindful, journey into power and transformation!  I was hooked and knew I wanted to become certified and share the benefits with my students and staff in my school district.  

Mantra or daily affirmation: Gratitude. I don’t get out of bed until I think of 3 things I’m grateful for and why. 

Favorite Book:  The Gifts of imperfection by Brene Brown

What informs your practice: My breath. It’s the key to my presence, power and peace.  

Your advice for beginners: be kind and patient with yourself.  Focus on your breath and how the pose feels instead of looks.  Be OPEN to possibility and be a YES!  It’s a journey, so go with the flow. 

3 Words to Describe You: passionate, caring, driven

The pose that challenges you the most: Handstands

The best advice you've ever received: My dad always told me as a kid- you can achieve anything you set your mind to.   If you BELIEVE it, you can ACHIEVE it, with hard work and determination.  

What's your teaching style:  energetic, empowering and intentional 

What do you do for fun: travel with my friends and family

What are you most grateful for: my family, friends and health

What brings you peace: living my yoga 

Where is your happy place: my home, anywhere I get to travel and watching a beautiful sunrise or sunset 

Who/what inspires you the most: My dad has been my role model and my kids are my inspiration!

Instagram handle: @mindfulnessandyogaedu

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